
LeERP offers the user a customizable visual theme that can be applied across the entire application. When a user chooses a particular theme, they will be able to get a different visual appearance for the form, report, canvas, mouse pointer cursor, current and next record, navigation, highlight, font, and much more.


The different skins allows a personalized experience for each end user based on their preferences and taste. Skins offer versatile visual themes without changing the content. User can choose from Standard Skins such as Dark Style, 7 Classic, Office 2010 Blue, Office 2010 Silver, Office 2013. Bonus Skins offer more prominent skins such as Coffee, Caramel, Metropolis, Money Twins, and The Asphalt World. For the more adventurous, there are Theme Skins such as Pumpkin, Springtime, Summer or Valentine.

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