Page 3 - Le ERP Predator Brochure
P. 3

LeERP Administration Solution - Modules

         TREASURY MANAGEMENT                                                                                            FIXED ASSETS

         LeERP  Cash  Management  system  automates                                                                     LeERP  Fixed  Assets  system  includes  a
         the  repetitive  steps  needed  to  manage  your                                                               complete   Asset   Control   as   well   as
         Financial  Institution’s  cash  flow.    This  system                                                          Maintenance  and  Contract  Management
         includes  the  Treasury  module  allowing you  to                                                              modules that answer all of your field service
         settle suppliers and cash customers invoices.                                                                  management needs.
                                                                                                                        Asset Control
         Treasury                                                                                                       Integrates with LeERP other modules to offer
         Provides  tools  and  processes  that  will                                                                    a comprehensive, reliable, and efficient asset
         accurately  predict  current  and  future  cash                                                                lifecycle  tracking  application  following  the
         balances  on  a  consistent  basis.  Includes                                                                  International  standards  recommendations.
         collection,  disbursement,  bank  payment  &                                                                   Lowers  the  cost  of  asset  ownership  and
         transfer as well as difference of exchange.                                                                    secures your assets while giving you a global
                                                                                                                        view  across  your  organization. Includes  the
                                                                                                                        full  cycle  from  start  to  finish  –  Inventory
                                                                                                                        Acquisition,   Depreciation,   Maintenance,
                                                                                                                        Reporting, and Disposal.
                                                                                                                        Contract Management
                                                                                                                        LeERP Contract Management module offers
                                                                                                                        a  comprehensive,  reliable,  and  efficient
                                                                                                                        contract  tracking  application. From  start  to
         THIRD PARTY                                                                                                    finish,  the  user  has  total  control  over  the
         LeERP  Third  Party  system  is  your  portal  that                                                            contract management process.  The system
                                                                                                                        allows  for  user  defined  contract  types,
         encompasses all of your third party needs.  All                                                                periods,  and  payment  terms.  Includes  time-
         transactions are tracked and monitored for all                                                                 saving  features  such  as  advance  notice
         entities.    The  system  allows  the  definition  of                                                          alerts,   auto   renewal,   and   document
         multiple profiles for same entity (i.e. customer,                                                              management.    Seamless  integration  with
         debtor, supplier, department, bank, factor…).                                                                  accounts  payable  ensures  all  financial
         Le Retail (Point of Sales)                                                                                     transactions  are  automatically  transferred
         The  point  of  Sale  (POS)  module  that  is  tightly                                                         (retention, advance payment, expenses).
         integrated with LeERP Inventory management                                                                     Maintenance
         system.  Robust  features  allow  you  to  create                                                              Enables you to take care assets and ensure
         and implement powerful pricing, promotion and                                                                  they are used at the right level of investment
         loyalty  programs  to  attract  and  retain  your                                                              to  meet  utilization and  financial goals.   The
         employees when visiting your cafeterias.  The                                                                  Maintenance  module  processes  and  tracks
         easy-to-use touch screen display is compatible                                                                 maintenance  repairs  on  your  assets.  It
         with most tablets, and POS devices may also be                                                                 includes  maintenance  contracts  for  your
         used in your Coffee and Gift Shops.                                                                            services, service providers or  your  internal
                                                                                                                        in-institution  repairs.    Includes  scheduling,
                                                                                                                        tracking   work   orders   and   evaluating
                                                                                                                        maintenance contracts
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